Microphone Noise Canceling Software Pros and Cons

Microphone Noise Canceling Software Pros and Cons

The open office and work from home has increased the need to block out noise. Not only for what you hear, but for the distractions happening around you that you don't want callers to hear. If you're reading this blog, chances are high you've hit a breaking point to find a microphone noise canceling solution to block out the madness going on around you! 

Here are some factors to consider with microphone noise canceling software. 

Microphone noise canceling software pros:

  1. Impressive background noise cancellation: One click of turning noise canceling software on and most of the background noise going on around you will be gone! This improves communicatons and reduces the frustration for the person on the other end of the call.
  2. Peace of mind: By reducing the chances other will be able to hear what's going on in your background, you'll have improved privacy and peace of mind to know people aren't hearing side conversations from co-workers, your kids yelling in the background or most distractions you don't want a caller to hear.

This video gives you a microphone sample for yourself

Microphone noise canceling software cons:

  1. The overall quality of your voice can diminish because noise canceling software is using a filter to try and mask the distractions around you. This can be a concern if you're on an important call or meeting and want the very best microphone quality. 
  2. Compatibility is a concern because not all applications are optimized to work and if you work with a company using strict security who hasn't vetted this software, chances are you'll be blocked from using it.
  3. In some cases your voice can sound robotic or aritifical which isn't always the best experience for the caller on the other end. 
  4. Typically there's going to be a monthly recurring charge.

Noise canceling software to consider

  • neep.com (the most plug and play and easy to use but comes at a monthly cost, well worth it if noise is a problem)
  • NVIDIA RTX Voice (requires specific graphics card to work)

Is noise canceling software right for you?

Without changing your environment, at home or in an office, microphone noise canceling software is your best bet to block out the most noise going on around you in the same work setting. The downside is there's a monthly recurring cost that can come with it, possible compatibility issues, and if you work for a company with strict security, IT will need to get involved to buy in on the initiative.

Alternatives to consider

Headsets with microphone noise canceling: if you'd prefer a software last approach and avoid another month recurring cost, there's a ton of headsets today to consider with microphone noise cancellation. All headsets aren't created equal though, so it's important you choose one with good noise cancellation, comfort and ease of use. The Discover D722U (wired) or Discover Adapt 20 (wireless) are a couple popular models to consider that do well with microphone noise cancellation. 

Invest in communicaton software with microphone noise canceling built in: As there's been more requests for noise cancellation from consumers, communication apps like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, RingCentral and others are now adding this as a standard! 

microphone noise canceling software ringcentral

Change your work environment: If possible, move to a different area to work. That could mean setting up a work from home office where a door can be shut, or using a coworking space that offers private offices.

Soundproofing: there's a lot of ways to go about this so working with a soundproofing specialist would probably be a better place to start.


Whether you get microphone noise canceling software or go with an alternative approach like above, you'd be making a very smart decision to invest in solutions that keep you or your team sounding clear, professional and avoid sounding like a 1991 call center! 

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